Soros: The banking system needs to be guaranteed first. No, public will not accept guranteeing Casinos, the banks that fail should be nationalised, bonuses stopped, revoked and recovereries from past payments. Public Inquiries need to occur into how we got here (credit / easy money boom which stinks of something), senior politicians held to account and their pensions reduced significanlty as required. Ditto inquiry into bank CEO's, FSA, central banks and the like. Only confidence to investors will return when we have a full understanding of how we got here so the future is made sound (Volker rule) & balanced budgets all brought into law with only the public (99%) able to vote in a refferendum to remove rules put in place. Giving any future cock ups will be the fault of their own people and not the few idiots (corrupted maybe) at the top.
Kapoor: Enacting a moratorium on bonus and dividend payouts. Excellent, on the same wavelength, this is what should of been occuring all along, unfortunately we live in a broken world.
Kapoor: In the future, robust bank resolution legislation would help reduce the dangers weak banks pose to their sovereigns. Agreed, but a better step would be to ensure legislation would never need to be used, this is delivered through sensible global governing. Something which the public expect the highly paid and rewarded politicians TO DO. In all cases legislation must be put in place to allow the world of finance / usury banking systems to operate autonomously safe whereby senior polititions can't manipulate for self gain, re-election and surf a credit wave of easy money. Didn't the Volker rule bring decades of safe banking.
Kapoor: Europe’s single-minded focus on austerity needs to go the way of its flawed bank recapitalisation plan. You suggest no alternative. In fact not dealing with the debt will take the sovereigns to The Gates Of Hades. It's like renting a house, your forever burning money which could be invested in infrastucture projects or plain Civil Servant hiring. Over a 30 year period the aim should be for balanced budgets so society pays for what it uses instead of passing the buck. In fact I challenge that people who entice governments to continuously build debt are doing so to financially pocket from booms via stock market / commodity returns via increased GDP. For the existing 1%, how about taking up what is morraly right and start to get your governments to act appropiatly.
How about a new world of no greed, no casino banks feeding off the tax payer, balanced budgets, volker rule, no government corruption, FSA & Central banks policing instead of watching / joining in the parties. Only when this happens will the public start to trust it's governments. In fact if it doesn't happen then it's likely a new style of governing will come to pass sometime in the next decade or two. The public are watching.
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