Sunday, 9 September 2012

Response To: ‘Lead or leave euro’, Soros tells Germany

Considering the German history (hyperinflation causing WWII), how can Soros expect the Germans to agree to a notable inflationary spiral, which growth at 5% would create. Does he not know their history and what would potentially happen? Would he want that again? I don't! Germany couldn't possibly back other peoples debt, for if they reneged on the debt Germany would end right back at a post WWI timeframe minus the payments for loss of WWI to other countries. This is such a difficult time, it's useful to hear suggestions but a notable inflationary spiral is just as bad as a deflationary spiral. Countries need to use balance budgets of which this is written in both Germany & Spains basic law. Only large investors such as Soros would benefit from notable government sponsored growth (something he's enjoyed for some time). What about savers who'd like to invest in a none manipulated economy, don't they deserve a chance considering they've earned there savings from hard graft? My belief is Soros statements are not impartial and do not take account of the wider society. Time for balance and restraint, we can't go on building a debt ponzi scheme.

Original FT Article: ‘Lead or leave euro’, Soros tells Germany

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