Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Response to: Sceptic caught between devil and ECB

A man with more wisdom than all central bankers put together, a man who understands how to build trust in a fiat currency, a man who understands how to avoid a global Zimbabwe, a man who understands a level of distrust in currencies already exists (gold up >1500% with central banks purchases), a man with the boldness to stand up against the powerful many (illuminati?) for his beliefs. Exponential growth in fiat currency year over year for the past circa 2 decades can not continue without destruction, I can not believe for 1 minute that the illuminati he stands up against do not know exactly what they are creating. Therefore they themselves will be held to account by the public & police services, should inflation become uncontrollable, it would not be unimaginable to expect to see some of the illuminati eating porridge for breakfast in the future.....it has happend in history before in these similar circumstances.

In response & agreement with: Jens Weidmann Subject: Sceptic caught between devil and ECB


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  2. Thanks for sharing post. We need to deal with reality and the facts at hand. Personally I believe that if commodity prices fall back to early boom prices then further rates cuts won’t be enough to stop further weakness.

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