Monday, 18 July 2011

News Corp Phone Hacking Whistleblower Employee Found Dead

News Corp. fired reporter from the News of the World paper, who whistle-blowed its editor, Andy Coulson for encouraging staff to phone hack, has been found dead. Sean Hoare's body was found dead at home in Watford, England. Are we surprised to hear the death is not thought to be suspicious. Hoare worked as a reporter at the News of the World with Coulson, who resigned his position as press secretary working for David Cameron U.K. Prime Minister due to being part of the scandal.

Whistle-blower Hoare whistle-blowed Coulson for rallying his reporters to hack mobiles / cell phones under an interview with the New York Times. He was an old colleague of Coulson at News Corp.'s Sun paper before he was shafted by the paper supposedly being dismissed for drug and alcohol problems.

Now the issue here is there are so many suspects involved in this death that one must consider it's possible that this has been made to look like a suicide. Something similar occurred with the guy who wrote the UK Iraq dossier which sent the UK into Iraq under a veil of a hunt for weapons of mass destruction, who mysteriously committed suicide. Although not linked or proved it does show that potentially governments could get involved in covert assassinations. This situation now poses was it really suicide or was it a bump off from any of the following:

1. Government authorised due to economic impact.
2. Scotland yard authorised due to embarrassment and take town of the hierarchy.
3. Personaly organised bump off from either Murdoch clan, old colleagues or now resigned Scotland Yard hierarchy.

The issue here is a international investigation must be pursued by an independent UK police commission in association with the FBI or potentially another USA independent police organisation due to an outside possibility of phone hacking in the USA. If phone hacking has occurred in the USA its potentially involved USA police officials (FBI?) who have access to mobile snooping facilities. An investigation by the FBI would not merit a proper result. As this is only undergoing an FBI preliminary investigation at the moment the possibility must be considered a cover up could occur in the USA if an independent police commission is not used. Alas because the wrong moves are being made now, potential evidence could be destroyed.

Now all these thoughts are just simple internal brainstorming over the circumstances and any regular police force would simply come up with the same variables over the News Corp fiasco.

The share price of News Corp is consequently being hammered down in value due to the basic facts of loss of revenue on News of the World, loss of revenue on USA papers  customers buy competitors papers and loss of BSKYB acquisition. This will all take it's toll on the bottom line of profits and more than likely for quite some time. There is also the outside potential that this will bring down the Whole of the News Corp. organisation. There is still more losses to come on the share price, much more losses. My recommendation is SELL!

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