Tuesday, 12 July 2011

USA Debt Ceiling to be raised boosting Share Prices

I  just thought I'd let you know that all the dancing between Republicans & Democrats about the debt ceiling is just a little charade for the investing sheep in society. Basically the way this news piece is manipulated is to make sheep feel very worried that the debt ceiling might not be raised, you sell your stocks. Then GASP, miraculously it get raised, every sheep from New York to London cheers and drives the market UP. It's a classic political game that's played out for the Banksters. It allows the Bankster to whipsaw you outa your hard earned money, as they know exactly what's going to happen, along with their political friends who allow Goldman Sachs to manage their money.

I recommend ploughing in 2 days before the sign off, we all know the USA politicians are the weakest in the world when it comes to their beloved stocks & shares.....for them the only way is up for share prices...to achieve that, kick the can and shaft your tax payers until there's no can left. In 5 years time the USA will be reading the Book Of Greece.

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