Sunday 20 January 2013

PAUL B. FARRELL Predicts Time bomb to market meltdown ticks louder

My response: LMAO....Dr Disaster is back for his weekly rant with poor analysis and relying on past phrases spoken at any-time in the last decade. I predict there there will be WW3 at some point and aliens will make direct contact with the earth. Dr Disaster forecasts disaster every year until it happens... Then he's referenced by the big news flow outlets as predicting the crash of 2### like he's some sort of new Nostrodamus. Will the newsosphere be commenting how I was right in my predictions....NO! Should they....NO! Here's a statistic for you, unemployment is dropping year on year, as that occurs so does GDP growth and debt is inflated away, by 2016 unemployment will be at 5%. Lets see whether the wall street newsosphere will be clambering for me to appear on CNBC, Bloomberg and the like.

Original article:

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