Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Slovakia votes NO to expanded EFSF

The 17th member Slovakia of the Eurozone has voted not to expand the EFSF. The key reasons from the 150 voters against the expansion of the EFSF is that Greece is already bankrupt, caused their own issues through corruption / mismanagement of their economy and the banks are all foreign to their country. I agree, well done for not rolling over to the Euro idiots in power.

However like all things in the world, what the 1% elite want they get. Although this may change over the next decade when the 99% take the existing system offline and replace it with a better, fairer and uncorrupted system. So it's likely the Slovakian government will be changed until a YES vote is delivered. So much for democracy in the Eurozone (blatant sarcastic comment) ^^.

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