Thursday, 24 May 2012

Response to: Draghi calls on EU leaders for ‘brave leap’

I find several things laughable about this whole situation. 1. It's expected hard working Germany should agree to funding Greece's hairdressers who retired @50 etc., through bonds or interim solution. 2. Debt is going UP yet they need growth via I guess more debt. Maybe I'm not savvy, I thought debt on debt was bad, I perhaps should of been brought up irresponsibly and could understand this better. I know it good to leverage debt stimulating inflation, however it gives to one and takes from another, which in turn just becomes a quick less effective sugar rush over time. Until you become Japped out. 3. Spains so called collapsing real estate market, where's that then. I don't see particularly cheap property, I see the dreggs of property selling for way more than it should and Ok apartments still £70k+, not something I'd call cheap. Tell us another it keeps me amused......

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