Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Think stocks can’t rise 40% in 2012? Think again

My comments to this fruit cake Michael A. Gayed financial commentator: Original article on Marketwatch. I remember reading your article about how people can cope with +$100 oil quite easily. How wrong you where. I stated that it will cause a recession and here it comes. To your current article, least path of resistance at the moment is down, due to so many reasons. Only more QE will change things but unfortunately that in itself is now self defeating and destructive to the wider economy, reflating assets removes disposable income. USA and many G7 countries thrive on disposable income. No QE now is good for the wider economy but not for stocks in the short term.

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Response to: Draghi calls on EU leaders for ‘brave leap’

I find several things laughable about this whole situation. 1. It's expected hard working Germany should agree to funding Greece's hairdressers who retired @50 etc., through bonds or interim solution. 2. Debt is going UP yet they need growth via I guess more debt. Maybe I'm not savvy, I thought debt on debt was bad, I perhaps should of been brought up irresponsibly and could understand this better. I know it good to leverage debt stimulating inflation, however it gives to one and takes from another, which in turn just becomes a quick less effective sugar rush over time. Until you become Japped out. 3. Spains so called collapsing real estate market, where's that then. I don't see particularly cheap property, I see the dreggs of property selling for way more than it should and Ok apartments still £70k+, not something I'd call cheap. Tell us another it keeps me amused......

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Response to Mervin Kings Insights on BOE Economic Management

Response to BOE BBC Lecture: King admits failing to ‘shout’ about risk I'm afraid this response isn't good enough. Considering laymen could see the risks with 100-110% mortgages I fail to see why the BOE did not see this as a risk. Never should more than 90% be loaned FULL STOP, otherwise it fosters perceived legalised ponzi schemes. We also had ridiculous American president backed policies to give out mortgages to people who could not afford them. Perception for this was global agreement to foster inflation in property for politicians to capitalise on through property flipping. Such is the corruption riddled in society through bonus culture in top to bottom of organisations (PPI and more(free temporary loans for banks / fixing he books), I fail to see how the BOE or anyone can fix this. You all seem to be in on the show, so the public awaits for the next perceived shafting of the tax payers. I also believe inflation control was and still is abysmal.

UPDATE: After my comments the BOE bows to pressure for probes.