Friday, 17 February 2012

Volker Rule can Save Us

Regulators are assesing bankers please. I say: The Volker rule is pure basic common sense, delivering superior safety and significant benefits = stable progressive economy. Any bank trying to get around in any way will be severly fround upon by the public. It's possible that the public may avoid placing savings in banks that are perceived to speculate going forward, the banks walk on a tightrope with this. Any banks embracing the rules may find their capital rations improving significantly giving the said bank significant ability to improve profits via common sense lending. If only the bankers where half the man of Volker we would be in a better state today. What a man and a proud history he's carved out fo himself, people look at Greenspan & current Co and see outright monetary stupidity. When people read the economic history books I know which person I'd prefer to be.....Well done Paul Volker and Obama for being true to delivering down to earth, sensible and honest rules of the road! Most of the planet wants this apart from the minority greedy leeches which we know as #ankers.

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