Sunday, 26 February 2012

IMF Rigging the System?

IMF & ECB in fact all central banks are making a mockery of fiat currencies and ultimately the people will start to distrust the value of money in the medium term and assets linked to fiat currencies. At then end of the day the IMF hasn't got a job unless it just sloshes money into anything dead or alive, even if it's senseless. This global fiasco could in this modern day of global connectivity bring an end to a failed capitalist system, with no thanks given to the past politicians and central banks who've constructed the failure of the system. Greece must themselves declare default due to inability to implement the changes, this is being prepared for. It's only America, UK & IMF who want to keep this monster going, everybody else is just under perceived pressure. In business you don't reward failure (apart from banks), the people globally are becoming hissed (as seen below) at this idiocracy, end it now, take the pain (short term), followed by the better longer term gain (as realised by the Germans), not sure whether the German common sense can last....I hope it does. It just shows how they've recovered with greater morals from WWII than America or the UK have in this modern day! I'm British and starting to think I should be a German....How's that happend Mr Bush / Blair / Brown? I feel I live in a world of idiots, why... Central banks should give us 2% growth...not 3%...not 4%.... not 1%..... "2%" AVERAGE! For those in banks who find numbers get 2% it may mean 1% one year, 3% the next, 2%..1.8%..2.2%..get it. Then we don't get capital system failures....or it's perceived to be rigged to steal etc. The people as seen through world demonstrations, comments....blogs...are becoming more impatient. Growth must come from a catalyst which is NOT QE. Demand growth will be weak unless commodities fall in price!

Friday, 17 February 2012

Volker Rule can Save Us

Regulators are assesing bankers please. I say: The Volker rule is pure basic common sense, delivering superior safety and significant benefits = stable progressive economy. Any bank trying to get around in any way will be severly fround upon by the public. It's possible that the public may avoid placing savings in banks that are perceived to speculate going forward, the banks walk on a tightrope with this. Any banks embracing the rules may find their capital rations improving significantly giving the said bank significant ability to improve profits via common sense lending. If only the bankers where half the man of Volker we would be in a better state today. What a man and a proud history he's carved out fo himself, people look at Greenspan & current Co and see outright monetary stupidity. When people read the economic history books I know which person I'd prefer to be.....Well done Paul Volker and Obama for being true to delivering down to earth, sensible and honest rules of the road! Most of the planet wants this apart from the minority greedy leeches which we know as #ankers.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Capitalism Is Failing

The Greek situation is like a Walrus fight and a disgrace to 21st century civilization. With outrageous central banks, unrightous politicians (I'm not just talking about the current ones) and weak fiscal global policies are delivering a scene which I hoped we would never see again after early 2000's. But as we've been duped time and time again by all over this past decade, it's no wonder Greek people themselves are rioting along with Arab nations and England, how can a public be so misled by all...was someone yet again thinking of their own pockets to ride a soverign debt / credit wave. It appears the majority of the globe (sheep of society) is being misled by politicians, the Fed and central banks. They're all out of is only the people that can stop this and over time stop this they will. We need a better world run by the people for the people and not the way it is run now. Out with money and in with a skills based society, so we can better manage the planet, it's resources and it's people, capitalism is failing to deliver.