Tuesday, 30 August 2011

QE 2.5 or QE3 will Bernake do it, he's doomed either way!

It's a known fact that traders are anticipating some form of additional stimulus at the end of September. However it could be self defeating for it will foster higher oil prices which would most certainly deliver a recession. Low interest rates now are enough, too much stimulus is bad for the economy. Balanced budgets will always deliver  the fairest outcome for all in society, if only our government mandarins where educated enough or not corrupted for seeking power and self profits, we would be better of today. The Romans society failed due to inequality and we now have such levels which could top current society and it's fat currencies. The recent global riots are a signal to the Mandarins. The past presidents and prime ministers will all go down in history for all the wrong reasons for most are to blame for what could be THE END.....

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