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Friday, 24 August 2012
Response To: UK second-quarter GDP revised up
FT Quote: ""However, there are signs that the very weak economy is holding consumers back from spending."" Not so, excessive commodity inflation is holding consumers back in addition to their debt level created by inflated property prices. Inflated property removed the disposable income. Looks like Grodon Browns light touch credit boom banking policy did not either end boom bust, deliver sustainability, fairness within society. What it certainly did was create the complete opposite, brought forward spending, enshrined people within the banking system for a long long time and made buy to let debtors who DON'T work for their money, filthy rich. I'm afraid we live in such a sad sad world that wants an always UP mentality. I tell you now, a couple of years of recession will be a tonic for sustainability. We may get that when Keynesian King leaves the BOE, we need a German / Canadian BOE governor that can knock some sense into banking and any political party which wishes to create a ridiculous >2% inflation economy.
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