Sunday, 8 April 2012

My Note to Boris Johnson

My dear Boris, go back to Transylvania and feed off the people their. The people here have been attacking banks because of THE greatest financial mess in modern history was delivered from in part from London banks. Where CEO's disregarded risk manager warnings, chased large bonuses via illegal mortgage backed securities (authorised by Bush & co to lend to people who could not afford them (yes that was a USA govenrment rule)) banks would of known this! In addition we have Gorden Golden Balls Brown who through a cocktail party arranged for LLoyds TSB to buy the bankrupt Halifax shafting all the shareholders. Not forgetting British tax payers have been shafted with the banks debt indirectly in so many different ways. Your clearly hob-knobbing with the bankers because that's mainly what you do in London, I wouldn't be mistaken for thinking that's why your the Mayor. I think it would be beneficial for Government to control this disparity in thoughts against the wider public as this mess is what's created, in part, the break away movement in Scotland, they want out. In fact maybe London should just be a country all by itself and take all the debt it created.....somewhat like a bad bank, isolated in your own debt cocoon. You can then decalre yourselves bankrupt and have a Iceland / Zimbabwe economy contained to just London. I just come up with that idea.....I kinda like it! I sugest you discuss the idea at your next mayors meeting, it can save the rest of the country from the greed idiots you seem to lookup to.