Monday, 28 November 2011

Germany Under Pressure

I fully back the German stance for requirement of european wide fiscal policies, I would never expect the UK to back a whole region with it's money without fiscal discipline policies to rein in the renegades like Greece and it's fellow country followers. The statments from other people of loan now sort it out later is not acceptable, as evidence of austerity has been week and thus the risk of loss increases significantly. This is why the Germans are now taking a hard line, promises have not been kept, no policy no loan, as they say the market would not trust the EFSF fund, it in itself would become the biggest toxic bazooka within a year if policies are not created and not met. Of course the policies could be created and not met, but you wouldn't know this to be the case for some time, just like the Greek trojan sent into europe. Im glad to see the Germans are not accepting large brown envelopes and sending their country into the pit of rabbid dogs (european clingons).