Sunday, 23 October 2011

USA Deficit Debt in 2021

Ten years of deficits at $1.3 trillion per year is $13 trillion in total new deficits. Add that to the $14.8 trillion outstanding today, divide by 97 million above poverty line households, and we get about $286,000 per household, as shown in this next graph.

USA Debt Per Household Income

USA Debt Going Up

USA Debt Total Per Household

USA Nationa Debt Summary...Oh My God

How will this be paid. Simple answer inflation over time, 20 - 30 years US $ will be worth a fraction it is worth now compared to assets. This will be in the region of 5c to current $1. May as well quit your job and go back to work in 20 years because anything you save for retirement will be washed away. Yes simply give up, buy gold, oil & food stocks / ETF's is my recomendation.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Corruption in Europe to Consider Suspending Rating Agency Ratings

Under one of the most contentious proposals, European regulators would be given powers to suspend credit ratings of countries undergoing bailouts. I'm ringing the corruption bell high and loud here, this is a distortion of markets and free speech. It's like banning a doctors opinion in his own surgery, leaving the patient to be pumped full of the wrong drug, maybe killing the patient. Does this mean the European union will 100% guarantee bond holders who are unable to gather specific guidance on buying a countries bond issuance, investors would be buying blind, potentially throwing money away. NOT Acceptable.

Germany Tax Payers to Underwrite Europe & France Debt

I'd just like to fortell everyone how under mounting pressure over the coming weeks will see Angela Merkel back Europe & Frances debt from their own tax payers pockets. I thought it was bad in the UK with the QE parties but I'm feeling rather grateful to be a UK taxpayer compared to a German taxpayer. They'll be bailing out other countries who don't even speak the same language and in Greece's case, it's like they're raping the Germans for free money and have got away with it for years. I guess some people where given large brown envelopes, Goldman Sachs being one that springs to mind.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Apple Shares Drop 7%

Apple miss in quarterly results, Apple shares dumped dropping 7% to below $395. Fourth-fiscal-quarter earnings jumped 54% to $6.62 billion which is equal to $7.05 a share, from the year ago period. Revenue climbed 39% to $28.27 billion. Apple’s results in part reflected lower-than-expected sales of the iPhone.

France and Germany Agree €2tn Rescue Fund

So the Guardian say. But is the Guardian just rehashing already known news from an EU official who is out of touch. Or maybe they want to ramp shares for some reason, maybe for government favours? Who knows, but Americans have took the gamble on their own stocks based on 1 report. The Guardian goes on to say:

Quote: France and Germany have reached agreement to boost the eurozone's rescue fund to €2tn (£1.75tn) as part of a "comprehensive plan" to resolve the sovereign debt crisis, which this weekend's summit should endorse, EU diplomats said.

I suspect this maybe a bit of pressure being used from circles outside of Europe, the UK / USA government are keen on seeing the EU print lots of money to save the banks from their ludicrous gamble on Greek debt. In fact only reading the second paragraph goes on to say:

Quote: The leaders of France and Germany hope to agree a deal.

Yes the second paragraph says hope and the first paragraph says will endorse. It's a contradictory article, simple used to as an attention seeking article. Lets hope the journalists are abusing their powers to trade the markets, "they wouldn't be greedy corrupt cheaters now would they", he said sarcastically.

Apparently Berlin are playing down prospects of a full-scale deal. So who do we trust, the Guardian or the Politicians........However there is strong signals being made that some agreements will be made this weekend.

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Occupy Wall Street

Tim Geithner comments on Occupy Wall Street:

He said that the movement was an expression of a “general sense” across the country of concern that U.S. economy is not growing faster, with high unemployment and low income growth. In addition, the protesters want to see Washington is “acting to make things better.” Geithner rejected complaints that no one on Wall Street has been held accountable for starting the crisis. “You have seen some very, very dramatic enforcement actions already … and I am sure you are going to see more to come. You should stay tuned to that,” Geithner said.

See that sign: I AM TOO BIG TO FAIL
That's the public getting pissed with the bail outs Mr Geithner, not anything to do with jobs, low incomes and he doesn't say anything about who's been held accountable. We see know reckless bank CEO's in jail, know reckless policy makers in jail (Mr Bush Jr, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown or any of the Greek / European idiots), I bet they're still collecting a big paychecks. We see know Central bankers who danced a jig to the credit boom, in jail for corrupt work. In fact we see not one person in jail for who created this mess. Lets be clear the little guys (99%) could see the country being raped with free money from 2003-2008, and the suckers in power did nothing because they where in the the rapers gang.

No Mr Geithner, the 99% are protesting because they want you all out of office and a new kind of politics run by the people for the people, they want you out of your job. Stay tuned to that,” Geithner. The days of the usury banks are over.

Usury banking is making money from money. The churches from the past believed money is not a good, it is a measure. It is fraud to pretend otherwise, and constitutes theft. Usury is making money from lending money; it is making money from nothing. This is exactly what is happening today on a colossal scale. Churches said it was a sin to make money off money. They where right, it's stealing from the future. Central Banks steal from the present by increasing prices via printing money, giving it to the banks to drive up commodities and collect taxes off you. Whilst usury banking exists the 1% float around in yachts eating caviar off gold plates. Whilst little 99% is enslaved to capitalism while the 1% feed off the free money. A significant disparity / imbalance exists in society which requires correcting. The politicians have been bought off, it up to the 99% to drive change. Good Luck, I'm with you and hopefully Warren Buffet will join the cause soon, he can see the rot and corruption that the drunk on caviar eaters don't want to see.